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We need your support, now more than ever

The Footprints Family relies on donations from the UK and around the world; it's only with your generosity that we can continue this life changing work.

Whether you make a one-off or monthly donation or sponsor a child, you'll be making a real difference.​

£5 could feed a child..

£12 could pay for a child's education..

£25 could feed a family of 5..

FOR 1 MONTH! So please:


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“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank balance was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.” Forest E. Witcraft

Just Giving:

Bank Transfer:

The Footprints Family

Account 33062910

Sort Code 20-84-13

Card Donation:


One time






Payable to The Footprints Family. 

Please post to 

51 Tyneham Road

 London SW11 5XQ

Please boost your donation now by completing and returning a gift aid declaration to us.

Gift Aid is a scheme administered by the Inland Revenue which allows us to claim 25p for every £1 that you donate.

For example, if you donate £20, we can claim an extra £5, making your donation worth £25.

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